The Birth of “Heaven, Can You Hear Me?”
I have always been spiritually “open” since birth. My friends and family members can recall the strange messages I gave throughout my life. It wasn’t an easy part of me to accept so I pushed the “gift” away many times. As I became an adult, I received some incredible angels and teachers along the way. With this support, I finally opened myself up, accepted my abilities and they flourished. Friends started telling their friends and family to reach out to me for help. After much encouragement, and plenty of signs, I decided to accept this path and offer my mediumship services professionally. I have devoted myself to continue to expand my abilities which allows me to help more people out there.
What’s In A Name?
Naming the company was a task in itself. I struggled for weeks to come up with a name. I received many messages but it seemed as if I was trying too hard. One night, after I decided to take a break from it, a clear and strong voice whispered “Heaven, Can You Hear Me?” into my ear as I drifted into sleep. Before I fell asleep, I jotted the name down and completely forgot about it…..until a few days later.
When I came across the information, everything about the name strongly resonated. Soon after, I was bombarded by messages and images of what I was supposed to do, how I was supposed to do it, and who I would meet along the way. I didn’t know where it would lead but I trusted in the information and went along for the ride.
Welcome to a place that was divinely created for me and for you. It is OUR home and this journey has just begun!